Human Resources/Personnel Department

Please click one the following links for assistance:
Florida Teacher Certification Exams (FTCE) Information
FTCE Learning Portal
The FTCE Learning Portal provides information on The Florida Certification Examinations (FTCE), including exam overviews, exam length, competencies and skills required for each exam, and test information guides. Information on types of educator preparation programs and links to resources that may help you prepare for FCTE tests are also available.
FTCE Registration
- General Knowledge
- Professional Ed
- Subject Area Exams
- Florida Educ. Leadership Exam (FELE)
As of December 2009, all FTCE/FELE are available on the computer. As of January 1, 2010, paper-based testing is no longer available. A memo was issued by the Commissioner on January 5, 2010, regarding the change.
- Staff Directory
- HR Forms
- Job Descriptions
- Links
- Evaluation Forms
- Administrative Plans
- Instructional Plans
- New Teacher Induction Forms
- ParaPro Assessment
- Substitute Teachers
- HR News
HR Forms
Job Description
- Account Clerk.pdf
- Adjunct Instructor.pdf
- Administrative Assistant.pdf
- Administrative Assistant to Superintendent and Board.pdf
- Administrator on Special Assignment.pdf
- Adult Education Literacy Coordinator.pdf
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic.pdf
- American Rescue Plan (ARP) Project Manager.pdf
- AmeriCorps Program Coordinator.pdf
- AmeriCorps Program Director.pdf
- AmeriCorps Site Coordinator.pdf
- Area Director - Elementary Education.pdf
- Area Director- Federal Programs.pdf
- Area Director- Secondary Education.pdf
- Area Director- Support Services.pdf
- Assistant Comptroller.pdf
- Assistant Director of Finance.pdf
- Assistant Principal.pdf
- Assistant Secretary.pdf
- Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services.pdf
- Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services.pdf
- Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance.pdf
- Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Staff Development.pdf
- Attendance Assistant.pdf
- Audio Visual Equipment Technician.pdf
- Behavior Specialist.pdf
- Bilingual Staff Assistant.pdf
- Boiler HV AC Mechanic.pdf
- Budget Director.pdf
- Budget Manager.pdf
- Bus Attendant.pdf
- Bus Driver.pdf
- Carpenter
- Certification Specialist.pdf
- Chief Account Clerk.pdf
- Clerical Assistant.pdf
- Community Affairs/Public Relations Coordinator
- Computer Systems Operator I.pdf
- Computer Systems Operator II.pdf
- Computer Systems Operator III.pdf
- Computer Systems Repair and Maintenance Technician.pdf
- Computer- Technology Specialist.pdf
- Coordinating Specialist, Exceptional Student Education Coordinator.pdf
- Coordinator of Assessment and Related Student Services.pdf
- Coordinator of Communities in Schools.pdf
- Coordinator of Custodial Services.pdf
- Coordinator of Health and DrugFree Athletics.pdf
- Coordinator.pdf
- Custodial Assistant.pdf
- Custodian.pdf
- Data Processing Coordinator.pdf
- Deputy Superintendent.pdf
- Director of Education Transformation Operations.pdf
- Director of Elementary Education.pdf
- Director of Exceptional Student Education.pdf
- Director of Facilities.pdf
- Director of Federal Programs.pdf
- Director of Finance.pdf
- Director of Human Resources.pdf
- Director of Instructional Media, Materials, and Technology.pdf
- Director of JROTC.pdf
- Director of PreK-12 Instruction.pdf
- Director of Professional Learning.pdf
- Director of Research, Evaluation, and Policy.pdf
- Director of Secondary Education.pdf
- Director of Staff Development.pdf
- Director of Student Services.pdf
- Director of Transportation.pdf
- Director of Vocational and Adult Education.pdf
- Dropout Prevention Coordinator.pdf
- Educational Paraprofessional - Computer Lab.pdf
- Educational Paraprofessional - Parent Liaison.pdf
- Educational Paraprofessional.pdf
- Electrician.pdf
- Electronics Technician, Instructional Media.pdf
- Elementary Reading Program Specialist.pdf
- ESE Employment Specialist.pdf
- ESE Self-Help Assistant
- ESOL Educational Paraprofessional.pdf
- ESOL Itinerant Teacher.pdf
- ESOL Program Assistant.pdf
- ESOL Program Specialist.pdf
- Evaluation Coordinator.pdf
- Executive Secretary I.pdf
- Executive Secretary II.pdf
- Executive Secretary to Superintendent and School Board.pdf
- Field Trips - Activity Bus Coordinator.pdf
- Fire and Safety Inspector.pdf
- Gadsden Conversion.docx
- Graduation Coach.pdf
- Grants Coordinator.pdf
- GroundsKeeper
- Guidance Counselor.pdf
- Head Groundskeeper.pdf
- Homeless Education Liaison.pdf
- Human Resource Specialist.pdf
- Information Services Specialist.pdf
- Instructional Resource Teacher.pdf
- Inventory Control Specialist.pdf
- Inventory Intake Spec - Federal Programs.pdf
- Inventory Program Specialist- Federal Programs.pdf
- Job Coach for ESE.pdf
- Job Placement Specialist.pdf
- JROTC Instructor.pdf
- Licensed Clinical Social Worker.pdf
- Maintenance Worker-General
- Maintenance Assistant
- Maintenance Supervisor.pdf
- Mathematics Program Specialist.pdf
- Media Assistant.pdf
- Media Specialist.pdf
- Network Administrator.pdf
- Nursing Education Specialist.pdf
- Nursing Program Coordinator.pdf
- Occupational Specialist.pdf
- Occupational Therapist.pdf
- Office Manager.pdf
- Parent Services Coordinator.pdf
- Parts Manager.pdf
- Personnel Specialist.pdf
- Physical Therapist.pdf
- Plumber.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Disability-Transition Services Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Education-Training Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Family Services Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Health Services Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Parent Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Program Assistant.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Program Coordinator.pdf
- Principal.pdf
- Program Assistant - Federal Programs.pdf
- Program Specialist - Character Education.pdf
- Program Specialist - Exceptional Student Education.pdf
- Program Specialist - Title I.pdf
- Program Specialist- Character Education.pdf
- Program Specialist- Pre-Kindergarten.pdf
- Programmer I.pdf
- Programmer-Analyst I.pdf
- Programmer-Analyst II.pdf
- Project Director - Character Education.pdf
- Property Book Officer-Personnel NCO.pdf
- Provisional Instructor.pdf
- Public Information Officer.pdf
- Reading Coach.pdf
- Receptionist.pdf
- Response to Invetervention (RtI) Data Analyst.pdf
- Risk Management Coordinator
- Routing Specialist.pdf
- Safety -Investigations Coordinator.pdf
- Safety Investigations-Property Control Coordinator.pdf
- School Food Service Assistant Manager.pdf
- School Food Service Financial Coordinator.pdf
- School Food Service Manager.pdf
- School Food Service Operations Manager
- School Food Service Production Coordinator.pdf
- School Food Service Worker.pdf
- School Psychologist.pdf
- School Safety Guardian.pdf
- Science Program Specialist.pdf
- Secondary Reading Program Specialist.pdf
- Secretary I.pdf
- Secretary II.pdf
- Secretary III.pdf
- Secretary IV.pdf
- Secretary, Elementary School.pdf
- Secretary, High School.pdf
- Secretary, Middle School.pdf
- Social Worker, Dropout Prevention.pdf
- Social Worker, Exceptional Student Education.pdf
- Social Worker, Visiting Teacher.pdf
- Social Worker- MSW.pdf
- Special Needs Coordinator.pdf
- Speech-Language Pathologist.pdf
- Staff Assistant.pdf
- Substitute Teacher and PK Parapro Substitute.pdf
- Supervisor of Community Relations and Parent Services.pdf
- Supervisor of Human Resources.pdf
- Supervisor of Instructional Media, Materials, and Technology.pdf
- Supervisor of School Food Service.pdf
- Supervisor of Title I.pdf
- Supervisor of Transportation.pdf
- Supervisor-Coordinator, Vehicle Services.pdf
- Supervisor.pdf
- System Support Specialist I.pdf
- System Support Specialist II.pdf
- System Support Specialist III.pdf
- Teacher on Special Assignment.pdf
- Teacher.pdf
- Technology Training Specialist.pdf
- Transportation Radio Dispatcher.pdf
- Transportation Training-Safety Coordinator.pdf
- Vehicle Mechanic Foreman.pdf
- Vehicle Mechanic I.pdf
- Vehicle Mechanic II.pdf
- Visiting Teacher.pdf
- Warehouse Foreman.pdf
- Warehouse Worker.pdf
Data Collection
- Account Clerk.pdf
- Administrative Assistant to Superintendent and Board.pdf
- Administrative Assistant.pdf
- Administrator on Special Assignment.pdf
- Adult Education Literacy Coordinator.pdf
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic.pdf
- American Rescue Plan (ARP) Project Manager.pdf
- AmeriCorps Program Coordinator.pdf
- AmeriCorps Program Director.pdf
- AmeriCorps Site Coordinator.pdf
- Area Director - Elementary Education.pdf
- Area Director- Secondary Education.pdf
- Assistant Director of Facilities.pdf
- Assistant Principal.pdf
- Assistant Secretary.pdf
- Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services.pdf
- Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services.pdf
- Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance.pdf
- Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Staff Development.pdf
- Attendance Assistant
- Audio Visual Equipment Technician.pdf
- Behavior Specialist.pdf
- Boiler HV AC Mechanic.pdf
- Budget Director.pdf
- Bus Attendant.pdf
- Bus Driver.pdf
- Carpenter.pdf
- Certification Specialist.pdf
- Chief Account Clerk.pdf
- Clerical Assistant.pdf
- Community Affairs/Public Relations Coordinator.pdf
- Computer Systems Operator I.pdf
- Computer Systems Operator II.pdf
- Computer Systems Operator III.pdf
- Computer Systems Repair and Maintenance Technician.pdf
- Computer-Technology Specialist.pdf
- Coordinating Specialist, Exceptional Student Education Coordinator.pdf
- Coordinator of Assessment and Related Student Services.pdf
- Coordinator of Communities in Schools.pdf
- Coordinator of Custodial Services.pdf
- Coordinator.pdf
- Custodial Assistant.pdf
- Custodian.pdf
- Data Processing Coordinator.pdf
- Deputy Superintendent.pdf
- Director of Education Transformation Operations.pdf
- Director of Elementary Education.pdf
- Director of Exceptional Student Education.pdf
- Director of Facilities.pdf
- Director of Federal Programs.pdf
- Director of Human Resources.pdf
- Director of JROTC.pdf
- Director of PreK-12 Instruction.pdf
- Director of Professional Learning.pdf
- Director of Research, Evaluation, and Policy.pdf
- Director of Secondary Education.pdf
- Director of Staff Development.pdf
- Director of Student Services.pdf
- Director of Transportation.pdf
- Director Adult Career and Technical Ed
- Dropout Prevention Coordinator.pdf
- Educational Paraprofessional - Computer Lab.pdf
- Educational Paraprofessional - Parent Liaison.pdf
- Educational Paraprofessional.pdf
- Electrician.pdf
- Electronics Technician, Instructional Media.pdf
- ESE Employment Specialist.pdf
- ESE Self-Help Assistant
- ESOL Educational Paraprofessional.pdf
- ESOL Itinerant Teacher.pdf
- ESOL Program Assistant.pdf
- ESOL Program Specialist.pdf
- Evaluation Coordinator.pdf
- Executive Secretary I.pdf
- Executive Secretary II.pdf
- Executive Secretary to Superintendent and School Board.pdf
- Fire and Safety Inspector.pdf
- Groundskeeper.pdf
- Guidance Counselor.pdf
- Head Groundskeeper.pdf
- Human Resource Specialist.pdf
- Instructional Resource Teacher.pdf
- Inventory Intake Spec - Federal Programs.pdf
- Job Coach for ESE.pdf
- Job Placement Specialist.pdf
- JROTC Instructor.pdf
- Maintenance Assistant.pdf
- Maintenance Worker-General.pdf
- Mathematics Program Specialist
- Media Assistant.pdf
- Media Specialist.pdf
- Network Administrator.pdf
- Nursing Education Specialist.pdf
- Nursing Program Coordinator.pdf
- Occupational Specialist.pdf
- Occupational Therapist.pdf
- Office Manager.pdf
- Parts Manager.pdf
- Personnel Specialist.pdf
- Physical Therapist.pdf
- Plumber.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Disability-Transition Services Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Education-Training Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Family Services Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Health Services Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Parent Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Program Assistant.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Program Coordinator.pdf
- Principal.pdf
- Program Assistant- Federal Programs
- Program Specialist - Character Education.pdf
- Program Specialist - Exceptional Student Education.pdf
- Program Specialist - Title I.pdf
- Program Specialist- Character Education.pdf
- Program Specialist- Pre-Kindergarten.pdf
- Programmer I.pdf
- Programmer-Analyst I.pdf
- Programmer-Analyst II.pdf
- Property Book Officer-Personnel NCO.pdf
- Provisional Instructor.pdf
- Receptionist.pdf
- Risk Management Coordinator.pdf
- Routing Specialist.pdf
- Safety -Investigations Coordinator.pdf
- School Food Service Assistant Manager.pdf
- School Food Service Financial Coordinator.pdf
- School Food Service Manager.pdf
- School Food Service Operations Manager.pdf
- School Food Service Worker.pdf
- School Psychologist.pdf
- School Safety Guardian.pdf
- Secretary I.pdf
- Secretary II.pdf
- Secretary III.pdf
- Secretary IV.pdf
- Secretary, Elementary School.pdf
- Secretary, High School.pdf
- Secretary, Middle School.pdf
- Social Worker, Dropout Prevention.pdf
- Social Worker, Exceptional Student Education.pdf
- Social Worker, Visiting Teacher.pdf
- Special Needs Coordinator.pdf
- Speech-Language Pathologist.pdf
- Staff Assistant.pdf
- Supervisor of Community Relations and Parent Services.pdf
- Supervisor of Human Resources.pdf
- Supervisor of Instructional Media, Materials, and Technology.pdf
- Supervisor of School Food Service.pdf
- Supervisor of Title I.pdf
- Supervisor-Coordinator, Vehicle Services.pdf
- Supervisor.pdf
- System Support Specialist I.pdf
- System Support Specialist II.pdf
- System Support Specialist III.pdf
- Teacher on Special Assignment.pdf
- Teacher.pdf
- Technology Training Specialist.pdf
- Transportation Training-Safety Coordinator.pdf
- Vehicle Mechanic Foreman.pdf
- Warehouse Worker.pdf
- Account Clerk.pdf
- Administrative Assistant to Superintendent and Board.pdf
- Administrative Assistant.pdf
- Administrator on Special Assignment.pdf
- Adult Education Literacy Coordinator.pdf
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic.pdf
- American Rescue Plan (ARP) Project Manager.pdf
- AmeriCorps Program Coordinator.pdf
- AmeriCorps Program Director.pdf
- AmeriCorps Site Coordinator.pdf
- Area Director - Elementary Education.pdf
- Area Director- Secondary Education.pdf
- Assistant Director of Facilities.pdf
- Assistant Principal.pdf
- Assistant Secretary.pdf
- Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services.pdf
- Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services.pdf
- Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance.pdf
- Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Staff Development.pdf
- Attendance Assistant
- Audio Visual Equipment Technician.pdf
- Behavior Specialist.pdf
- Boiler HV AC Mechanic.pdf
- Budget Director.pdf
- Bus Attendant.pdf
- Bus Driver.pdf
- Carpenter.pdf
- Certification Specialist.pdf
- Chief Account Clerk.pdf
- Clerical Assistant.pdf
- Community Affairs/Public Relations Coordinator.pdf
- Computer Systems Operator I.pdf
- Computer Systems Operator II.pdf
- Computer Systems Operator III.pdf
- Computer Systems Repair and Maintenance Technician.pdf
- Computer-Technology Specialist.pdf
- Coordinating Specialist, Exceptional Student Education Coordinator.pdf
- Coordinator of Assessment and Related Student Services.pdf
- Coordinator of Communities in Schools.pdf
- Coordinator of Custodial Services.pdf
- Coordinator of Health and DrugFree Athletics.pdf
- Coordinator.pdf
- Custodial Assistant.pdf
- Custodian.pdf
- Data Processing Coordinator.pdf
- Deputy Superintendent.pdf
- Director of Education Transformation Operations.pdf
- Director of Elementary Education.pdf
- Director of Exceptional Student Education.pdf
- Director of Facilities.pdf
- Director of Federal Programs.pdf
- Director of Human Resources.pdf
- Director of JROTC.pdf
- Director of PreK-12 Instruction.pdf
- Director of Professional Learning.pdf
- Director of Research, Evaluation, and Policy.pdf
- Director of Secondary Education.pdf
- Director of Staff Development.pdf
- Director of Student Services.pdf
- Director of Transportation.pdf
- Director of Vocational and Adult Education.pdf
- Dropout Prevention Coordinator.pdf
- Educational Paraprofessional - Computer Lab.pdf
- Educational Paraprofessional - Parent Liaison.pdf
- Educational Paraprofessional.pdf
- Electrician.pdf
- Electronics Technician, Instructional Media.pdf
- ESE Self-Help Assistant
- ESOL Educational Paraprofessional.pdf
- ESOL Itinerant Teacher.pdf
- ESOL Program Assistant.pdf
- ESOL Program Specialist.pdf
- Evaluation Coordinator.pdf
- Executive Secretary I.pdf
- Executive Secretary II.pdf
- Executive Secretary to Superintendent and School Board.pdf
- Fire and Safety Inspector.pdf
- Grants Coordinator.pdf
- Groundskeeper.pdf
- Guidance Counselor.pdf
- Head Groundskeeper.pdf
- Human Resource Specialist.pdf
- Instructional Resource Teacher.pdf
- Inventory Intake Spec - Federal Programs.pdf
- Job Coach for ESE.pdf
- Job Placement Specialist.pdf
- JROTC Instructor.pdf
- Maintenance Worker-General.pdf
- Mathematics Program Specialist
- Media Assistant.pdf
- Media Specialist.pdf
- Network Administrator.pdf
- Nursing Education Specialist.pdf
- Nursing Program Coordinator.pdf
- Occupational Specialist.pdf
- Occupational Therapist.pdf
- Office Manager.pdf
- Parts Manager.pdf
- Personnel Specialist.pdf
- Physical Therapist.pdf
- Plumber.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Disability-Transition Services Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Education-Training Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Family Services Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Health Services Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Parent Coordinator.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Program Assistant.pdf
- Pre-Kindergarten Program Coordinator.pdf
- Principal.pdf
- Program Assistant- Federal Programs
- Program Specialist - Exceptional Student Education.pdf
- Program Specialist - Title I.pdf
- Program Specialist- Character Education.pdf
- Program Specialist- Pre-Kindergarten.pdf
- Programmer I.pdf
- Programmer-Analyst I.pdf
- Programmer-Analyst II.pdf
- Property Book Officer-Personnel NCO.pdf
- Provisional Instructor.pdf
- Receptionist.pdf
- Risk Management Coordinator.pdf
- Routing Specialist.pdf
- Safety -Investigations Coordinator.pdf
- School Food Service Assistant Manager.pdf
- School Food Service Financial Coordinator.pdf
- School Food Service Manager.pdf
- School Food Service Operations Manager.pdf
- School Food Service Production Coordinator.pdf
- School Food Service Worker.pdf
- School Psychologist.pdf
- School Safety Guardian.pdf
- Secretary I.pdf
- Secretary II.pdf
- Secretary III.pdf
- Secretary IV.pdf
- Secretary Elementary School.pdf
- Secretary High School.pdf
- Secretary Middle School.pdf
- Social Worker Dropout Prevention.pdf
- Social Worker Exceptional Student Education.pdf
- Social Worker Visiting Teacher.pdf
- Special Needs Coordinator.pdf
- Speech-Language Pathologist.pdf
- Staff Assistant.pdf
- Supervisor of Community Relations and Parent Services.pdf
- Supervisor of Human Resources.pdf
- Supervisor of Instructional Media, Materials, and Technology.pdf
- Supervisor of School Food Service.pdf
- Supervisor of Title I.pdf
- Supervisor-Coordinator, Vehicle Services.pdf
- Supervisor.pdf
- System Support Specialist I.pdf
- System Support Specialist II.pdf
- System Support Specialist III.pdf
- Teacher on Special Assignment.pdf
- Teacher.pdf
- Technology Training Specialist.pdf
- Transportation Training-Safety Coordinator.pdf
- Vehicle Mechanic Foreman.pdf
- Vehicle Mechanic I.pdf
- Vehicle Mechanic II.pdf
- Visiting Teacher.pdf
- Warehouse Foreman.pdf
- Warehouse Worker.pdf
- Appendix J Climate Survey for Parents or Guardians.docx
- Appendix J Climate Survey for Parents or Guardians.pdf
- Appendix K Climate Survey for Students (Grades 3-5).docx
- Appendix K Climate Survey for Students (Grades 3-5).pdf
- Appendix L Climate Survey for Students (Grades 6-12).docx
- Appendix L Climate Survey for Students (Grades 6-12).pdf
- Appendix R - Summative Evaluation for Classroom Teachers.docx
- Appendix R - Summative Evaluation for Classroom Teachers.pdf
- Appendix S - Summative Evaluation for Non-Classroom Teachers.pdf
- Appendix S - Summative Evaluation for Non-Classroom Teachers.docx
- Appendix T - Sample Scoring Form for Summative Evaluation for Classroom and Non-Classroom Teachers.pdf
- 2014-2015 Principal-Assistant Principal and Non Classroom Instructional Staff Evaluation Tool.docx
- 2015-2016 Gadsden Administrative Evaluation Plan.pdf
- Annual Performance Evaluation Form- School Leaders REV (Short Form).docx
- Annual Performance Evaluation Form- School Leaders REV (Short Form).pdf
- EVALUTION FORM Summative Evaluation for School Leaders REV (Long Form)(1).pdf
- EVALUTION FORM Summative Evaluation for School Leaders REV (Long Form).docx
- EVALUTION FORM Summative Evaluation for School Leaders REV (Long Form).pdf
- FSLA Short Form for Principals and Assistant Principals.docx
- FSLA Short Form for Principals and Assistant Principals.pdf
- Gadsden District Leadership Plan 2016-2017.pdf
- Leadership Development Plan Gadsden County.pdf
The ParaPro Assessment was developed in response to the federal legislation known as No Child Left Behind, which was signed into law by President Bush in January 2002. The law requires that beginning January 8, 2002, paraprofessionals be required to have one of the following:
- An Associate of Arts degree
- Two years of college
Demostrated, through a state or local academic assessment, knowledge of, and the ability to assist in the instruction of reading, writing, and math. The choice of test or tests to satisfy the third option is left to the discretion of states and districts.
The ParaPro Assessment for prospective and practicing paraprofessionals measures skills and knowledge in reading, mathematics, and writing, as well as the ability to apply those skills and knowledge to assist in classroom instruction. The tests consists of 90 multiple-choice questions across the subject areas of reading, mathematics, and writing. Approximately two-thirds of the questions in each subject area focus on basic skills and knowledge, and approximately one third of the questions in each subject area focus on the application of those skills and knowledge in a classroom context. Fifteen of the questions in the test (five in each subject) are pretest questions and do not count toward the test taker's score. The test questions are arranged by subject area, with reading first then mathematics, then writing.
To schedule an appointment to take the ParaPro Assessment, please call the Human Resources Dept at (850) 627-9651.
Each person wishing to serve as a Substitute Teacher in Gadsden County Schools must be at least 18 years of age, be a high school graduate or have a higher degree, and be accessible by telephone. A Substitute Teacher Training course is required, and everyone wishing to be on the Substitute Teacher list MUST be fingerprinted and submit to a pre-employment drug test.
Your Social Security card and driver’s license are required. All paperwork must be made out in the name that appears on your Social Security card. A notary is available in the Human Resources Department to notarize forms.
Please feel free to contact the Human Resources Department at 850-627-9651 if you have any questions or concerns.