* Inclusion is what we do! Families with Children that have a Disability are ENCOURAGED to apply *
Applications will NOT be processed for enrollment until all documentation is provided and verified

How do I apply?
You can apply in person at the Head Start/Pre-K main office or online.
Main Office
500 W. King St.
Quincy, Fl 32351
Eligibility Requirements
Families are selected for our Head Start/Pre-K program based on the need of the family; not the order in which we receive your application. Eligibility is based on income and age. The child must be 3 or 4 years old by September 1 of the year for which you are applying.
Required Documents:
- Child’s Birth Certificate or Passport
- Proof of Guardianship (if your name is not on the Child’s Birth Certificate)
- Physical - Must include Hemoglobin & Lead
- Immunization Record
- Verification of Dental Exam
- Valid Driver’s Licenses or State Issue I.D.
- Medicaid or Insurance Card
- Verification of all family income of Parent(s) or Guardian(s) for the past 12 months such as:
*Most current Income Tax form (1040, 1040A, W-2)
*Check Stubs (12 consecutive months)
*SSI, SSA, or Social Security Benefits - current award letter (s)
*Child Support – total distribution (12 consecutive months)
*Unemployment Compensations – current unemployment Letter of Eligibility
*TANF (Public Assistance)
*Statement from Employer – on letterhead that includes; dates of hire, current pay rate, number of work hours per week, total income for the last 12 months, verification and signature date.
VPK Requirements 4-year olds ONLY
- Document containing name and street address of parent (No P.O. Box)
- Driver's License
- Utility Bill
- Lease Agreement
Our program promote school readiness of children ages three and four from low-income families by supporting the development of the whole child. Our Head Start/Pre-K program is based in centers and schools. We believe in the support of children’s growth and development in a positive learning environment through a variety of services, which include early learning, health, and family well-being.
We are dedicated to your children receiving high-quality services such as:
- Health and educational screenings and appropriate referrals and Inclusive services for children with disabilities
- Referral services for a range of individual child and family needs
- Opportunities for parents to participate in school decision making
Chattahoochee Elementary School, 335 Maple St. Chattahoochee, Fl 32324
Hours of operation - 9:00am - 4:00 p.m
Transportation provided
Greensboro Elementary School, 559 Greensboro Hwy, Greensboro, Fl 32351
Hours of operation - 9:00am - 4:00 p.m
Transportation provided
George W. Munroe Elementary School, 1830 W King St. Quincy, Fl 32351
Hours of operation - 9:00am - 4:00 p.m
Transportation provided
Stewart Street Elementary School, 749 S Stewart St. Quincy, Fl 32351
Hours of Operation - 9:00am - 4:00pm
Transportation provided
Havana Magnet School, 1210 Kemp Rd. Havana, Fl 32333
Hours of operation - 9:00am - 4:00 p.m
Transportation provided
Gadsden Elementary Magnet School, 500 W King St. Quincy, Fl 32351
Hours of operation - 8:00am - 3:00 p.m
Transportation provided
Midway Head Start, 86 Martin Luther King Blvd. Midway, Fl 32343
Hours of operation - 7:30am - 3:30 p.m
Transportation provided
Quincy Area 3's, 35 Martin Luther King Blvd. Quincy, Fl 32351
Hours of operation - 7:00am - 5:00 p.m
Transportation is not provided
Services include, but are not limited to;
- Helping each child become more independent, self reliant and to develop a positive self concept;
- Providing opportunities for children with disabilities to play and learn with non-disabled children;
- Approaching each child's needs on an individualized basis
through the formulation of an Individualized Education Program, thus
meeting the unique needs and capabilities of the child and the special
circumstances of his/her family;
- Offering services to parents in meeting the special needs of their child.
Play is a Child's Work
When children play they learn valuable skills to use throughout their lives. Because of this, Head Start / Pre-K sets up center areas in the classrooms so children can learn through play. Each center area in the room has a purpose for learning.
Head Start classrooms are open to parents during all program hours. Parents are welcomed as visitors and are encouraged to observe children as often as possible; as well as to participate with children in group activities.
Parents may contact their child's teacher about visiting the classroom.
Family Services Workers assist families with their needs, goals and much more...
Helping Families to:
- Further their own personal education, such as obtaining a GED, completing technical or college level coursework;
- Connect with resources that provide assistance with food, housing, medical, dental and vision care
- Encourage and participate in play activities that promote children's growth & development;
- Emphasize and support consistent school attendance;
- Foster healthy, supportive relationships.
One of our goals is to ensure that each child enrolled in Head Start / Pre-K is up-to-date on age appropriate health care. Head Start / Pre-K recognizes that good health is very important to a child's physical, social-emotional, and cognitive growth and development. A child that isn't healthy can sometimes have a hard time learning. Our goal is to provide high-quality early learning opportunities that support school readiness, and this includes promoting good health.
Required Health Services
- Yearly Physical
- Yearly Blood Pressure
- Hemoglobin/Hemocrit
- Blood Lead Screening
- Vision Exam
Building Relationships with families is a key part of the family partnership process. We do this throughout the program year starting with the intake process, orientations, home visits, parent/teacher conferences, and parent events. Parent engagement is an essential part of Head Start / Pre-K program, and fathers are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the program.
Parent Trainings
We offer parents the opportunity to attend trainings on a wide variety of subjects including:
- Behavior Management
- Financial Planning
- First Aid/CPR
- Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention
Parents are asked for input on training topics and additional trainings are offered as requested.
There are no fees for children to attend Head Start / Pre-K. All events and activities are provided free of charge to the children and families in the program. Program policy states no staff member, volunteer or parent, can request money or donations from other staff members, volunteers, or parents. In an effort to avoid duplication of requests, any parent interested in asking for any type of donation from the community must discuss it with the Parent Involvement Coordinator, who must obtain approval from the Director prior to making any official requests.
Visit https://familyservices.floridaearlylearning.com/Account/LogOn or contact the Head Start / Pre-K main office to schedule an appointment with a VPK Program Assistant.
To register, a child must be four years old by September 1 of the school year you are applying for
- Access to the internet
- Proof of current residency: driver's license, utility bill, or paystub
- Proof of age: birth certificate, passport, or military ID
It will take up to five business days to receive the Certificate of Eligibility by email. Once received, sign and proivde a copy to the Head Start / Pre-K main office.
- Children are to be walked to and from the classroom and must be signed in and out, with a signature and time.
Children will only be released to individual(s) listed on the Child Care Application for Enrollment form.
For the safety of your child, parents are asked to provide, in writing, any changes to the emergency contacts listed on the Child Care Application for Enrollment form.
The application process must be completed and your child (ren) has been accepted in order to be placed on our Waiting List
The following items are required to complete the application process:
- Birth certificate (proof of birth is acceptable)
- Proof of income or eligibility using one of these: W-2, 1040 tax
form, 4 most recent pay stubs, TANF or SSI documentation, unemployment
letter, foster child documentation, child support documentation
- Child’s current physical form(must incude hemoglobin & lead)
- Child’s current immunization records
- Verification of Dental Exam
- VPK Voucher (4 year-olds ONLY)
Children are asked to attend school daily for the full instructional program day. We want your child to benefit from the full Head Start / Pre-K learning experience!
Parents are asked to call their child’s classroom 1 hour prior to the start of school to report an absence or tardiness.
If your child has irregular attendance, your Family Services Worker will contact you to determine if assistance is needed.
Excessive absences from school, not including emergencies or illnesses, that cannot be resolved, may mean your child cannot benefit fully from the program. At this time your child’s enrollment in the program could be at risk.