Family And Community Engagement (F.A.C.E)
Family and Community Engagement in education is an ongoing and shared responsibility of students, families, schools, and the community which supports the development and learning from birth to young adulthood by effectively and consistently engaging families, addressing needs, promoting cultural awareness, and embracing collaboration to promote student success.
District's 2026 Teacher of the Year & 2024-25 School-Related Employee of the Year Announced!

Important Documents
- Documents & Links
- Faith-Based
- Graduation Requirements
- Student Records
- Student Transfers
- Parent Liaisons & Volunteer Coordinators
- Family Involvment
- Home School
- Scholarships
- PTA Standards
- School Choice
- Attendance
- Staff
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides opportunities for faith-based organizations to assist in educating children. Faith-based organizations can receive funds to provide tutoring and other academic enrichment services for eligible students.

Have an idea of how your faith-based organization can support schools?
Let us know!
"Adopt-a-School” is simple! Contact the Family and Community Engagement office for more details at (850) 627-9651 Ext. 1295.
Ways to provide assistance through Faith-Based:
Volunteer in the classroom
Mentor a child
Provide schools with funding for uniforms
Offer gift certificates
Monetary Donations
Provide school supplies (paper, pencils, notebooks or book bags)
The Gadsden County School District does not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex (including transgender status, gender nonconforming, and gender identity), marital status, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, color, pregnancy, disability, or genetic information.
For additional information regarding policy on religious expressions in public schools visit
Prior Year's Information
Academic Advisement Flyers - What Students and Parents Need to Know
Source:Florida Department of Education Legislation Requirements -
8:00 AM - 5:00 P.M. Monday - Friday
QUINCY, FL 32351
FOR QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL: (850) 627-9651 EXT. 1495
There is a $5.00 fee for each record requested.
Fees can be made by cash or money order only.
Please allow up to five business days to process your request.
Contact Information:
Family and Community Engagement
850-627-9651 Ext. 1295
Fax: 850-627-7594

The Gadsden County School District has
open enrollment options for parents to choose a school outside their
residential attendance zone school. The Gadsden County School District
allows parents from any school district in the state, whose child is not
subject to a current expulsion or suspension, to enroll his or her
child in and transport his or her child to any public school in the
district, including charter schools, that have not reached capacity
subject to the maximum class size pursuant to Florida Statutes and the
Controlled Open Enrollment Plan adopted by the School Board. No student
shall be permitted to transfer, enroll, or be admitted to a school when
he/she has been expelled or suspended from another school district. This
prohibition shall be effective for the period of time in which the
student was expelled or suspended from another district. Such students
shall be accorded the same appeals procedure which is available for
district students.
What is Home Education?
Home Education is a parent-directed educational option that satisfies the requirement for regular school attendance. Florida Laws protecting home education became effective in 1985. Parents have the freedom to determine their child's educational path and the plan for reaching their goals. Students have the opportunity to explore and learn at their own pace, in any location or at any time. Home education students are able to enter institutions of higher learning and are eligible to participate in the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program. More than 84,000 students in approximately 58,000 families are in Home Education Programs throughout Florida.
The Gadsden County School District gladly honors school choice from any parent/guardian. For parents who wish to put their children in Home Education shall adhere to the following guidelines. These guidelines are from the Home Education Act of 1985, as provided by Florida Statue. Further questions or concerns can be directed to Carolyn Francis, Eds at 850-627-9651 Ext. 1292, who serves as Home School Coordinator for the District.
These stipulations shall be followed to be in compliance with the law.
Statute 1002.41 specifies the responsibilities of parents who establish
a home education program.
The responsibilities are as follows:
Send a written notice of intent to the school district superintendent. The notice must be filed within 30 days of beginning the home education program and must include the following information:
- Name of the home education student(s)
- Birthdate(s)
- Address
- Parent's signature
Maintain a portfolio of educational records. Preserve each student's portfolio for two years. The statute defines a portfolio as:
- A log of educational activities which is made contemporaneously with the instruction and which designates by title any reading materials used, and
- samples of any writings, worksheets, workbooks or creative materials used or developed by the student.
Make the portfolio available for inspection by the superintendent upon 15-day written notice (The statute does not require the superintendent to inspect all portfolios).
Provide an annual educational evaluation of the student's educational progress to the superintendent. The evaluation must consist of one of the following:
- A Florida certified teacher chosen by the parent may evaluate the child's progress based on a review of the portfolio and discussion with the student.
- The student may take any nationally normed student achievement test administered by a certified teacher.
- The student may take a state student assessment test at a location and under testing conditions approved by the school district.
- The student may be evaluated by a psychologist holding a valid, active license pursuant to section 490.003 (7) or (8), F.S.
- The student may be evaluated with any other valid measurement tool as mutually agreed upon by the parent and the superintendent.
Submit a letter of termination and annual evaluation to the school district superintendent upon completion of the home education program, enrollment in a public or private school or moving from the district.
If you choose to participate in a school district program or service (i.e. Virtual Program), additional information or verification shall be required. The additional information required are as follows:
- State issued photo ID
- Proof of residence
- Child(ren) birth certificate
Florida Parent-Educators Association (FPEA) is an independent organization that exists solely to serve home education families in Florida.
Home Education Foundation (HEF) is a corporation established to raise support and direct the lobbying for home education in Florida.
2024 Dr. Jessie V. Furlow Scholarship Application
Effective Parent Involvement Programs include activities that are addressed by the following six standards:
I. Communicating - Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful.
II. Parenting - Parenting skills are promoted and supported.
III. Student Learning - Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning.
IV. Volunteering - Parents are welcome in the school, and their support and assistance are sought.
V. School Decision Making and Advocacy - Parents are full partners in the decisions that affect children and families.
VI. Collaborating with Community - Community resources are used to strengthen schools, families, and student learning.
A School Choice program is defined as a system that allows a student residing outside a school's attendance zone to attend that school based on that student's interest, unique learning style, or the school's specialized area of curricular emphasis. The School Choice Program is offered in addition to existing choice programs such as charter schools, magnet schools, vocational school, alternative schools and exceptional education programs. Transportation will be provided to the extent possible for students interested in attending a school of their choice.
Choice programs are designed to maximize learning styles, interests and talents of all Gadsden County students, encourage parental choice and foster involvement that strengthens the quality of public school education.
Gadsden County schools strive to provide high quality instruction and learning opportunities for all its students through defined and developed individualized areas of curricular emphasis that adhere to state and district standards for student achievement. In spite of these efforts, public school enrollment in Gadsden County has continued to decline as parents relocate children to charter, private or out-of-county public schools perceived as better meeting their children's educational needs. In acknowledging the importance of matching students' learning needs with schools that best meet their needs, and recognizing that there is no one "best" school for everyone, Gadsden School Board was presented with school options of the "BEST CHOICES" Public School Choice Program. Said guidelines are to be issued annually. In conjunction with this plan of choice, the Florida Legislature requires that each school district submit a plan that expands the options of school choice. Several school choice options and modified options are being provided within the county. Many of these options exist in direct response to Opportunity Scholarship Program, NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress, parental needs and requests to attend their community school within their attendance zone. While several of Gadsden County Schools merged, this plan seeks to streamline and increase the efficiency of educational services provided through the "BEST CHOICES" Parental Choice Program.
Important Attendance Documents
Student Attendance Matters!

Compulsory School Attendance
By law, children up to age 16 must come to school. Your child can't succeed in school if he doesn't attend regularly. Too many absences could affect your child's academic performance and prevent your child from moving on to the next grade. The threshold of absences which generates a letter of notification is five (5) in total, excused or otherwise. Under law, parents may be prosecuted if children don't attend school.

Is a student over age 16 allowed to quit school without parent permission?
No. When a student reaches 16 years of age he/she is no longer required to attend school if he/she files the required formal declaration of intent to terminate school enrollment with the school district and the declaration is signed by the parent. The declaration must acknowledge that leaving school will likely reduce the student's earning potential. The school district is required to notify the child's parent or legal guardian that the student has filed a declaration of intent to leave school.

Students are to sign in and out when missing a class for excusable appointments or emergencies and are to comply with the individual school procedures established with the school attendance office. Failure to sign out may result in an unexcused absence and the consequences thereof.
In the event four (4) or more absences occur in a course during a 9-week grading period, an attendance conference may be held to determine which, if any absences are excusable
For each course in which the student has four (4) unexcused absences, that are not for one of the legitimate purposes described above, a grade of “F” will be assigned for that grading period.
Excused absences/tardies may only be used for the following legitimate, documented reasons:
1. Illness and/or medical care
2. Death in the Family
3. Legal reasons
4. Religious Holidays, administratively pre-approved observance
5. Pre-arranged absences approved by an administrator, school-sponsored field trips, or school approved activities
6. Other special circumstances or insurmountable conditions
Each school will document attempts to notify parents of each student’s absence either through an automated system or other methods. However, failure to successfully notify parents or guardians shall not negate the attendance policy.