Gadsden County School District

The Office of Assessment is responsible for the coordination and implementation of state and national assessments.

of the initiatives of the Office of Assessment are through the
partnerships with the Florida Department of Education, District
Specialists, Instructional Media and Technology, K-12 and Curriculum,
Exceptional Student Education, and the district's Guidance Counselors.
For more information contact Caroline McKinnon or continue to visit our website by clicking any link under Assessment and Testing below.
- 2024-2025 SY Uniform Statewide Assessment Calendar.pdf
- GCS 2023 24 Spring Assessment Calendar.pdf
- 2023-2024 GCSD K12 Uniform Assessment Calendar
- 2018-2019 Spring Statewide Assessment Schedule(1).pub
- 2018-2019 Spring Statewide Assessment
- 2018-2019 Uniform Assessment Schedule.doc
- 2019-2020 Uniform Assessment Schedule.doc
- 2020 Spring Statewide Assessment Calendar-Subject to change!.pub
- 2020-2021 Uniform Assessment Schedule.doc
- 2021-2022 Uniform Assessment Calendar.doc
- Positive COVID-19 Cases.docx
American College Test
ACT Test Dates:
- September 11, 2021
- October 23, 2021
- December 11, 2021
- February 12, 2022
- April 12, 2022
- June 11, 2022
- July 16, 2022
ACCESS for ELLs 2.0
Florida - ACCESS for ELLS 2.0 (WIDA)
Maria Pouncey
(850) 627-6687
(EOCs) End of Course
To learn more about the Florida Standards Assessments, please visit:

Florida Alternate Assessment Dates (FAA)
General Education Development (GED) Home
GED Testing Service
Testing Service is a joint venture of the American Council on Education
(ACE) and Pearson. The GED® test has opened doors to better jobs and
college programs for more than 18 million graduates since 1942. Last
year nearly 800,000 adults sat for the GED test, which is accepted by
virtually all U.S. colleges and employers. As the creator of the one
official GED® test, GED Testing Service has a responsibility to ensure
that the program continues to be a reliable and valuable pathway to a
better life for the millions of adults without a high school diploma.
For more information on the GED test click here or continue to read below!

Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.)
The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.) is Florida’s new common placement test. This test is used by all 28 Florida colleges to determine whether or not a student is ready for college credit courses in math and English. The P.E.R.T. has been aligned with the Postsecondary Readiness Competencies that Florida’s faculty have identified as necessary for success in entry-level college credit coursework. The test vendor, McCann Associates, has worked collaboratively with the Florida Department of Education’s Division of Florida Colleges and Florida College System faculty to develop and tailor items to faculty specifications. P.E.R.T. is comprised of three 25-item, computer adaptive subtests in reading, writing and mathematics. Florida College System institutions began administering the P.E.R.T. in October 2010.
The P.E.R.T. assesses readiness for college-level coursework in English and mathematics. There are three subject area tests – reading, writing, and mathematics. A student’s scores determine appropriate course placement upon entering college.
The P.E.R.T. is a fully customized placement test. This means it is based on Florida’s Postsecondary Readiness Competencies and was developed according to the Department’s specifications. College placement tests like the College Board’s Accuplacer and ACT’s COMPASS have been widely used in states and institutions across the nation for years. The distinction between these existing college placement tests is the fact that the P.E.R.T. was developed collaboratively between the test vendor, McCann Associates, the Florida Department of Education’s Division of Florida Colleges and Florida postsecondary faculty. Every item on theP.E.R.T. has been reviewed and approved by Florida faculty who have volunteered their time and expertise.
The P.E.R.T. is aligned with knowledge and skills Florida faculty have determined to be essential for students entering college-level courses in English and mathematics. Faculty at Florida colleges were asked to identify the competencies critical for success in entry-level college credit courses. The test blueprint was then based on those prioritized competencies. In addition, each item on the reading, writing and mathematics subject area tests were reviewed and approved by Florida postsecondary faculty and aligned with a Postsecondary Readiness Competency.
**Currently, the PERT can only be used as a concordant score for students who entered Grade 9 during the 2017-2018 school year or prior. However, the PERT continues to be used in Gadsden County as the Common Placement Test for entry-level college credit course work!
The PSAT/NMSQRT will be administered in Gadsden County on Wednesday, October 13, 2021. Please contact your child's school for more information.
This date is subject to change.
Scholastic Assessment Test
SAT Test Dates:
August 28, 2021
October 2, 2021
November 6, 2021
December 4, 2021
March 12, 2022
May 7, 2022
June 4, 2022

The SAT and SAT Subject Tests are a suite of tools designed to assess your academic readiness for college. These exams provide a path to opportunities, financial support and scholarships, in a way that's fair to all students. The SAT and SAT Subject Tests keep pace with what colleges are looking for today, measuring the skills required for success in the 21st century.
The SAT is a globally recognized college admission test that lets you show colleges what you know and how well you can apply that knowledge. It tests your knowledge of reading, writing and math — subjects that are taught every day in high school classrooms. Most students take the SAT during their junior or senior year of high school, and almost all colleges and universities use the SAT to make admission decisions.
Taking the SAT is the first step in finding the right college for you — the place where you can further develop your skills and pursue your passions. But SAT scores are just one of many factors that colleges consider when making their admission decisions. High school grades are also very important. In fact, the combination of high school grades and SAT scores is the best predictor of your academic success in college.
(ePAT) - Electronic Practice Assessment Tools

For additional help, review the documents to the right or contact:
Caroline McKinnon
Assessment Coordinator
850.627.9651 ext 1225
- Answer Sheets.pdf
- AYP Monitor (AYP Accelerator).pdf
- Baseball Card.pdf
- Basic Logon.pdf
- Basic Navigation for Admin.pdf
- Cut Scores and Color.pdf
- FCAT Scoring.pdf
- Filters.pdf
- Item Analysis Details.pdf
- Item Analysis.pdf
- Lagging Indicators - State test scores.pdf
- Leading Indicators - Local test Scores.pdf
- Measuring FCAT 2.0 Learning Gains.pdf
- Navigating ICONS.pdf
- Printing Reports.pdf
- Progress Monitoring.pdf
- AYP Accelerator.pdf
- Baseball Card V2.pdf
- Class Scores by Benchmar.pdf
- Cohort Comparison.pdf
- Content Mastery in Student Detail.pdf
- Item Anaylsis.pdf
- Lagging-Leading.pdf
- Opportunity Gap Analysis.pdf
- Ranking by Benchmark.pdf
- School Proficiency.pdf
- Scores by Benchmark Objective-Standard.pdf
- Scores by Test.pdf
- Strand Comparison.pdf
- Student Item Analysis.pdf
- Student Portfolio.pdf
- Test Performance by Teacher.pdf
- Uasage Report.pdf
- Tutorial Baseball Card (V2).pdf
- Tutorial Basics - Elementary and Middle School Teachers.pdf
- Tutorial Basics - High School Teachers.pdf
- Tutorial Item Analysis.pdf
- Tutorial Ranking by Benchmark.pdf
- Tutorial Scores by Benchmark-Objective-Standard.pdf
- Tutorial Searching for Students.pdf
- Tutorial Student Item Analysis.pdf
- Tutorial Swatch filters & Zero Suppression.pdf