Academic Services

The Gadsden County School District’s Department of Academic Services is responsible for PreKindergarten – 12 instructional services, academic programs, professional learning, federal programs and student services, including Exceptional Student Education. The Department provides support for schools to ensure that the needs of the scholars and their families are met. Special projects aimed to improve school and student performance are facilitated through the Department of Academic Services. Special projects include: ESSER II & III, TSSSA, UniSIG, HIITS, the K12 CERP, the District’s Strategic Plan. 

Department of Academic Services Team

Assistant Superintendent for Academic Services

Director of Prekindergarten

Director of Elementary Education

Director of Secondary Education

District Curriculum Specialists (ELA and Mathematics)

Director of Exceptional Student Education

Director of Professional Learning

Director of Federal Programs

Coordinator of Assessment

The Gadsden County Public School District is committed to preparing each scholar for academic and job-related success through rigorous learning environments that are engaging and supportive, providing instruction aligned with Florida B.E.S.T. standards.


February Newsletter